Saturday, 23 October 2010

Becoming a designer...

I want to become a designer. In case you've not guessed. But I found it really hard to find much information on How to do this, so hopefully people who read this will help, and people who want help will find the help they need.
I do 6th form and do History,Art and Business Studies, I also did Photography as an AS. My world pretty much revolves around fashion, I shop, I read, I look,Watch, pretty much breathe it. I just can't help it, it's true, Fashion  really can change the world. Would you vote for someone that looked grubby and unkept? Nope, so no presidents do. You kinda see my point I hope by now. 
But I've taken up a night course at the local college - Pattern cutting and dress making. It's the basic level, but before I didn't know how to do anything. I tried to make simple bags and failed and got tired of it. It's extremely frustrating when you can't do something. So I'll post pictures and video's so as to help you or at least try. This way you're at least doing some basic sewing of pockets etc. I'll try my best for the rest! But it's also just something just to quickly refer back to if needed, which is always helpful, a little like an online book!
But for now I've not made any video's as this is the first post. So subscribe and keep updated!

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